Interstellar Buybot (Full Guide)

What Is The Interstellar Buybot?

If you are in crypto, you NEED a Buybot. Whether you are an aspiring crypto project looking to show all the new buys coming into your community, or whether you are a lone wolf trader looking to track buys on a particular crypto, the buybot is for you.

Setting up the buy bot is easy and takes less than 60 seconds

How To Setup Interstellar BuyBot:

To start the bot simply click "START" or type "/start" on the bot.

After clicking start, you wll be shown a message similar to the below image.

Once you see this message, simply click on the "Add To Group / Manage Settings" section and you will be asked to add the Interstellar Buy Bot to a group or channel of your choice. This will give the bot access to post the buy alerts inside your group / channel.

You can see in the below image what this may look like.

Once the Interstellar Buy Bot is added to the group of your choice, it will ask for a contract address (CA) to track. This is the CA of the project you want to track the buys of.

Simply add the CA and then pick the pool you wish to track.

Once confirmed you will get a message similar to the image below showing that it is functional and ready to track incoming buys.

Now you can configure any custom settings in the settings section.

Configuring Interstellar Buy Bot Settings:

Firstly, to access the Interstellar Buy Bot Settings click the button shown in the image below.

After you have clicked the button labeled "⚙️ Manage Settings", you will see a list of options similar to the image below.

Breakdown Of Each Setting:

The Interstellar Buy Bot will give out a basic format and style for your buy alerts but you can use the below settings to change it and customise it to your liking. Get creative and make it your own!

Minimum Buy:

This setting allows you to change the minimum buy order that will trigger the Buy Bot. Say for example you only want to have the Buy Bot activate and post inside your group/channel for buys over $100, then you can set that up inside this section.

This can be changed at any time.


This setting allows you to pick any emoji that will be show along with the Buy Bot. The emoji helps give a visual representaton of how big the buy order that just came though is.

The more emojis the bigger the buy!


This setting lets you start and stop the Buy Bot from running. If you set it to "Yes" it will pause all the Buy Bot features and stop it from working until you turn it back on.

It can be turned back on at any time.

Media Enabled?:

Ths setting allows you to pick a image to go with your buybot.

Media Image (Click To View):

This setting will let you view the image you assigned to go along with the Buy Bot.

This image can be changed at any time using the "Media Enabled?:" setting.

This setting allows you too add the different social media links to your Buy Bot alerts.

You can change these at any time.

⚠️ Delete This token ⚠️:

This setting will give you the option to delete a Contract Address so it cant be used with the Interstellar Buy Bot any longer.

You can always re-add the CA again later if you want to start using it in the Buy Bot again.

>> Close Settings:

As the name implies, this will allow you to close the settings section. Super simple!

Last updated